course page layout
category branding, UX/UI
completion 2021
typography New Kansas, Etna, Bree Serif
deliverables social media, homepage, application, logo

Three Ring Ranch Exotic Animal Sanctuary, a unique non-profit organization nestled in the Pacific, provides a vital haven for rescued exotic animals. However, their brand identity lacked the clarity and vibrancy needed to effectively communicate their mission. This project aimed to develop a comprehensive brand identity that honors the organization's unconventional location and dedication to these extraordinary creatures.


The strategic use of design elements creates a playful juxtaposition that reflects Three Ring Ranch's unique character. The color palette blends pastel pink and turquoise, evoking a sense of tropical serenity, while animal cutouts subtly reinforce the organization's focus on rescued animals. Etna typeface serves as the primary font selection for its friendly and approachable personality, perfectly aligning with the organization's welcoming and compassionate approach. Bree Serif provides a touch of elegance and sophistication as the secondary typeface. To ensure versatility across various applications, a custom crest logo was designed. Inspired by the natural world, the crest subtly incorporates the shape of a zebra – a nod to the diverse range of animals the sanctuary cares for.

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